Sam (Pen15)
Sam Zablowski is a supporting character in the series "Pen15" created by Maya Ersinke, Anna Konkle and Sam Zvibleman. He is Maya's and Anna's friend, as we mostly see them teasing each other. He's usually shown as a jokester but can also be nice at times. He is one of Maya's love interest in Season 2 of the show. His character is based off of Sam Zvibleman, one of the directors and creators of the show. He is portrayed by actor Taj Cross.
His appearance during the show:
Season 1: During Season 1 his character is shown more as a "side character" as we don't focus on the love story of him and Maya but instead he starts dating someone called Jenna in episode 8 called "Wild Things", this "relationship" shortly ends in episode 10 called "Dance" in where there is a school dance held and Sam is caught staring at Maya by Jenna as they dance and she leaves dramatically, leaving Sam to be with Maya. In this dance we find out how Sam is actually Flymiamibro22, which is someone we met through AIM (instant messenger) earlier in episode 7 "AIM". Sadly this makes Maya storm off, leaving their friendship sort of broken down.
Season 2: During season 2 his character is shown more due to the "love story" between him and Maya starting to actually develop. In episode 1 called "Pool" we see how Maya's relationship with him isn't really at it's best, since they're sort of avoiding each other, we can also see this on episode 2 called "Wrestle" in where Sam is starting to be more accepted by Brandt and starts slowly leaving his friends behind (in the same episode they also make up), in where he also calls Maya BSB (big smelly bush). Episode 5 called "Sleepover" he is slightly brung up by Maura, which is introduced later, calling him and asking him if he likes Maya. Then in episode 7 called "Opening Night" they start actually talking again, this is because Sam came up to Maya and apologized. In the rest of the season there isn't exactly big information about him and Maya until the last episode, episode 15 called "Home" we see how Maya is dealing with a break-up and Sam suggests to egg his house, in where they get caught and end up hiding together, finally giving each other a kiss.